CLAVES: el pontificado de Pío XII durante el régimen nazi
Se cumplen 80 años de la persecución nazi hacia los judíos en Roma. El 16 de octubre de 1943 más de 1.000 fueron deportados al campo de exterminio de Auschwitz.
KEYS: What is Hakuna?
The priest who founded the movement, Fr. José Pedro Manglano, explains what Hakuna's relationship is with the different organizations in the Church: "We don't have to understand each other; we have to love each other."
What major operations has Pope Francis had throughout his life?
The Pope's 2023 surgery was a consequence of his 2021 operation, which was related to his 1980 surgery in Argentina. He also had three cysts removed from his lungs in 1957.
Is Pope Francis planning to visit Ukraine in the middle of the war?
When Pope Francis announced he was thinking of visiting Ukraine, right now in the middle of the war, journalists aboard the papal plane returning from Malta were not in the least surprised.
Why does the Pope never mention Russia or Putin by name?
Despite peace talks and hopes for a ceasefire, tensions continue to escalate. And the tone of Pope Francis' condemnation of the war has been escalating along with them.
What's the connection between the war in Ukraine and the Third Secret of Fatima?
When Pope Francis says he will do “whatever is necessary” to end the war in Ukraine, that is exactly what he means...
Three ways the Vatican is responding to the war in Ukraine
Ever since the start of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Pope Francis has made it clear he intends doing everything he can – both to stop the war, and to help those who are suffering because of it.
How is the Catholic Church responding to the war in Ukraine?
Russia has invaded Ukraine – and war is the single topic of conversation.
How did this happen? How will it play out? How will it affect us? How should we react? -
Is Pope Francis as isolated as he’s sometimes made to appear?
“Divide and conquer”: Julius Caesar said it first. Actually, he said it in Latin, “Divide et impera”. But it’s the same thing. The term has variously been used to describe a popular video game, a problem-solving algorithm,
and the method employed by some within the Vatican power structure to disc... -
What exactly did Pope Francis say about keeping pets and having kids?
Pope Francis has often expressed his concern over what he calls a “demographic winter”, caused by falling birth-rates in developed countries.
In the United States alone, the number of households comprising a father, a mother and children, has halved in the last 50 years. -
3 history-making moments for Pope Francis in 2021
For Pope Francis, like the rest of us, 2021 was the year everything was conditioned by the pandemic. Even so, there're three moments likely to stand the test of time
People not politics. The real reason why Pope Francis went to Lesbos
Despite the Pope's best intentions, his latest visit there irritated some, angered others, and created a flurry of critical comments that claim the refugee crisis is a purely political issue, one that's outside the Pope's specifically spiritual mandate.
Pope Francis is returning to Greece. Will he ever return to the United States?
For someone who says he prefers to stay at home, Pope Francis hasn’t done too badly in terms of overseas travel. Since his election in 2013, he's already visited 50 countries – including the United States, in 2015.
What's new in the current Synod?
What makes the portrayal of Jesus in “The Chosen” so revolutionary?
The Catholic Church in numbers: Are they growing or slowing?
Why is the Vatican threatening to excommunicate the Mafia?
These Italian mafias are more than just organised crime syndicates: they infiltrate political and economic power structures, feeding a network of corruption that often challenges the rule of law.
The Cardinal Becciu case: What do we know?
Explained by Seàn-Patrick Lovett
How much does a cardinal earn? and how much does the pope earn?
Explained by Seàn-Patrick Lovett
Why is the pope concerned about the post-covid era?
Seán-Patrick Lovett, tells you everything you need to know
Vatican confidential: 5 Outcomes of the Pope’s trip to Iraq
Seán-Patrick Lovett tells you everything you need to know about the Pope's trip to Iraq
Why does the Vatican have a deficit on its revenues?
Seán-Patrick Lovett explains everything on Vatican Confidential only on Rome Reports Premium
The challenges surrounding Pope Francis upcoming trip to Iraq
Why does Pope Francis insist on the Synod as a means to reform the Church?
The answer in Vatican Confidential, by Seán-Patrick Lovett